
SSP 0246

Reliable & trustworthy

For us to be trusted by our customers, partners and employees, we must be a business which works tirelessly to comply with all applicable laws in the countries in which we operate. Being fully compliant makes us reliable and trustworthy.

Some of the laws we focus on include the Modern Slavery Act, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR’), Construction Products Regulations, UKCA and General Product Safety Regulations.


Quality Management

Our Quality Policy has been put in place to ensure we meet the high standards of safety and quality expected by us, our suppliers and our customers, and that our processes and products meet the relevant safety standards.

In line with this, we have implemented a Quality Management System which supports the strategic direction of our business and establishes the necessary processes for compliance with applicable regulations and requirements, including ISO 9001:2015.

We demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements through our ISO 9001 Certificate


Environmental Management

Our Environmental Policy sets out our commitment to enhancing environmental performance and supporting the transition to a more circular economy. As part of this, we have an Environmental Management System in place that ensures we comply with all relevant regulations and requirements in terms of protecting the environment, preventing pollution, and embracing environmental opportunities to operate sustainably and achieve Net Zero ambitions.

We also hold ISO 14001 certification, and our Environmental Management system plays a vital role in ensuring we continue to meet ISO 14001 standards. 


Modern Slavery Policy 

Ensuring colleagues and workers within the supply chain are protected from abuse of their human rights is a fundamental aspect of our social responsibility.

Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking policy is in place, endorsed and approved by the Highbourne Group Leadership Team, detailing the continuing commitments of our businesses City Plumbing, PTS, Direct Heating Spares, National Shower Spares and The Underfloor Heating Store in order to prevent these risks from occurring either in our own business or our supply chains.

We risk assess our product suppliers using a comprehensive list of requirements, we’ve shared best practices with selected customers and suppliers to support their own anti-slavery controls and to learn from and introduce training for all of our colleagues to identify the risks and red flags of modern slavery. We believe industry collaboration is crucial in tackling this issue.

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 2023

The Consumer Duty Champion for the Highbourne Group

For all matters related to the provision of consumer finance/credit the Highbourne Group has appointed Tony Buffin, Non Executive Chairman of Melbourne Topco Limited ( the parent company of Highbourne Group Limited) to act as the Highbourne Group’s consumer duty champion for all Highbourne Group companies providing consumer finance.

Relevant contact details can be found here.